Friday, February 22, 2008


We stayed in touch for a long time and she took care of me a lot...when we were young. She was my group leader in Home Economics. I was in awe of her knowledge of home management and cooking.

Although, I keep a lot of people close to my heart; I do not like to write letters so we lost track of each other for a while.

Elvesa sent me this photo of one of her birthday celebrations after I left for the US. How I loved to stay with them and swim with the Oyas children. Mana Etrang must have been so tired to have me hanging out with them!

This photo has Fe Collantes Musgrave in it. Fe and I continue to stay in touch. I talk to her more than I talk to others. We have visited each other and spent some time together here and there. The time spent have always brought me a lot of joy.

Of course, Elvesa! Now that she is in Vancouver - I tend to call and talk to her more often - I try to do so every weekend. I hope that we can see each other this summer. I am looking forward to it.

Because of Elvesa and her current geography - British Columbia. I am reading an adapted fictional account of the life of Emily Carr - the Canadian artist.

I live near the border of Ontario and Michigan - Windsor lies across the Detroit River. Toronto is only a couple hours drive away from Northville. British Columbia is a whole continent away.

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